"The cry we hear from deep in our hearts comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions."
-Thich Nhat Hanh
The month of Aries is the start of the lunar new year. It is called in Hebrew “Rosh Chodashim,” the head of all months. As the seed of the year and the DNA of all the coming months, it affords us the opportunity to plant seeds with our consciousness to do deep inner work that will soften our journey and smooth our path to change.
The first 12 days of Aries are especially important as they each correspond to one of the 12 months of the coming year. The sixteenth century Kabbalist Rav Isaac Luria explains that the spiritual work we do on these 12 days influences what we will experience in the corresponding months to come.
To guide you through a process of internal transformation, I am going to overlay two modalities, Kabbalistic astrology and the inner child archetype, to assist us to do profound work of healing from within.
My hope is that with the knowledge of the cosmic opportunity ahead of us these next 12 days, a gift given to us by the great Kabbalists, together with an exploration of our inner self, we can begin embracing our child so that we can move to our spiritual growth and maturity.
Looking forward to taking this journey with you.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
The 12 Days of Aries Day 2: Taurus
Welcome to Day 2 of the 12 Days of Aries, the Kabbalistic window in time that starts at sundown on Saturday, April 9 and ends at sundown on Sunday, April 10.
Taurus is the second month of the Zodiac. It is a fixed sign, which means that its energy is focused and directed. Its role is to maintain and strengthen what already exists. Taurus is also one of the earth signs, which have the gift of manifestation.
Like the earth, which is a vast expanse that receives its ability to cultivate life from receiving the sun and the rain, the Taurus has a huge Desire to Receive. It truly wants to “take it all in. ” Possessions and security are important to people born under this sign. The motto for Taurus is “I have therefore I am.”
The Taurus Inner Child Archetype is the victim child whose needs and desires are not met. It is prone to feelings of depression and hopelessness because the good it wants remains out of reach.
We all have the Taurus Inner Child Archetype. It shows up for us when we feel disappointed or have simply “given up” because our desires are unfulfilled, or when we realize we don’t have what we want yet, and we fall into dismay.
When we can acknowledge this Taurus Inner Child Archetype without judgment, we can find ways to heal it. Once we can proactively find ways to take responsibility for our own fulfillment, we can see how to move forward and then follow through and become true creators of our experience.
Consciousness for the Day: Catch yourself when you fall into disappointment or sadness because you don't yet have what you want. Take responsibility for all aspects of your life and get busy accomplishing tasks towards your goals. Exercise your creativity: paint, draw, write poetry or whatever it is that gets you “in the zone” and allows your creative essence to shine.
Most importantly, be gentle with yourself and your inner child. You are work in progress and a child of God who loves you. Healing comes from positively acknowledging and taking responsibility for what we need to change, not from beating ourselves up.