Weekly Astrology Forecast for June 9-15, 2019
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Weekly Astrology Forecast for June 9-15, 2019

Yael Yardeni
June 9, 2019
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I hope everyone is taking full advantage of the wonderful wisdom of kabbalistic astrology week after week!

This week marks the end of the infamous Omer period — finally! We are now about to enter the cosmic window of Shavuot, which celebrates the receiving of all knowledge and wisdom for humankind. According to the kabbalists, it’s also a time zone of endless continuity and Light. 

"Let’s examine the state of the constel-lations this week!"

Let’s examine the state of the constellations this week!

The first significant event is a kind of universal “flood” — the world’s chart contains no less than six water planets and aspects! Three planets are already in emotional Cancer (Mars, Mercury, and the North Node), and the chart’s MC and wheel of fortune are in Scorpio. It’s been a while since so much water was present in the cosmos all at once!

In addition, the week begins with a moon in Leo, and a dynamic T-square involving the sun, Neptune, and Jupiter. Traditionally, T-squares are pressure cookers of energy, edginess, and stress. They symbolize facets of ourselves which are at odds with one another. Right now, the cosmos is challenging us to grow beyond our Neptunian comfort zone. Jupiter, the cosmic expander located in the twelfth house, challenges our lack of focus and pushes us to adopt a greater vision of a spiritual world. With this placement, we are encouraged to become more compassionate and comforting. It also gifts us with a stronger intuition. As the twelfth house is responsible for the collective subconscious, Jupiter will expand our metaphysical studies and will help us feel more protected.

Our first homework assignment is the most encouraging we’ve had in a while. This week is about opening our inner selves and expanding our capacity for learning. Jupiter is the blessing and the zodiac protector. This great position makes it easier to feel the Light within us, and others. Since Jupiter also squares Neptune, disillusions can arise, too. We need to stay grounded and set good boundaries, while still choosing to love and care for others.

"This week ban all expectations!"

Much of our baggage and doubts are closely related to past disappointments. But, of course, so many planets are in Cancer this week! Disappointment can only come accompanied by its soulmate: expectation! By disinviting expectations, we prevent its other half from entering our lives. This week ban all expectations! In short, there is no limit to expansion and growth.

Our second homework assignment is related to the moon’s North Node. This week, the North Node occupies a key position closely conjunct to Mars. The North Node is connected to our tikkune. Placed in Cancer, it allows us to learn how to forgive and release stuck energies from past disappointments. We will emerge brand new and ready to flourish, just like nature is after a good rain!

This whole week, we should meditate on the 72 Name of God: Yud Lamed Yud, recapturing the sparks and offering positive energy to the whole world, as the T-square places a significant amount of stress on all countries. Let’s mark in our calendar the “wholly-day” of Shavuot on June 8th and 9th.

Have a great week filled with love and blessings. Chag Sameach to all!
