I hope everyone has so far received a great energy download from lunar Aquarius!
The best is yet to come! Sunday night through Monday, January 20th–21st brings us a particularly powerful full moon situated in the sign of its rulership: Cancer! The full moon in lunar Aquarius also represents the New Year of the trees, known as Tu b’Shevat.
"The best is yet to come!"
Kabbalistically, this is the perfect cosmic window for breaking heaviness, or the “gravity” we feel in all domains of our lives. This is also a very meaningful time since another phenomenon occurs – a total lunar eclipse! The moon is definitely the star of this week.
Spiritually, the moon represents the psyche, emotions, and the subconscious. Lunar eclipses present the best time for retreat and strong individual spiritual introspection. But of course, this week the moon is in the 12th house, the domain of the invisible. Many breakthroughs related to neediness, addictions, and laziness can be achieved this week! So let’s get ready to challenge and conquer our most dangerous enemy: ourselves! Later this week, the moon will enter its waning phase, which lasts until the end of lunar Aquarius.
Many more blessings are around the corner for us. Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in Sagittarius, and solar Aquarius is also starting. It’s a wind of freedom and change for all of us. Mars in Aries is strongly pushing us forward to start pioneer ventures. The universe is definitely opening up new ventures and vantage points! It’s time to renew our optimism, and our beliefs in all domains of life. What’s not to like?
With so much fire in the cosmos, the only current restriction is to avoid jumping to conclusions! Saturn and Pluto conjunct with Mercury in Capricorn are warning us to control our words, and to be mindful of tactlessness at all costs. It’s also a fantastic time to learn how to take care of ourselves better, avoid excess, and maybe even change our eating habits.
"The moon is definitely the star of this week."
With clearer minds and an opened route, lunar and solar Aquarius is the perfect moment to step out of our boxes. Remember, the month is ruled by Saturn and co-ruled by Uranus. In fact, the revolutionary spirit of Uranus breaks the strict boundaries of Saturn. Hence, the homework assignment of this week: open up all possibilities!
Finally, as we are accustomed, here is a list of famous and infamous Aquarians in history.
What an unbelievable list of people!
This week, meditate on the 72 Name Hey Resh Yud, for long-range vision, giving us the greatest support!