January 2, 2014
Originally recorded:
April 4, 2008
Astrology plays an important role in Kabbalah, allowing us to understand how each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac affects us. The kabbalists reveal that the actual purpose of Kabbalistic Astrology is to understand the influences we will encounter each month and to create control in our lives. The first day of each month, known as Rosh Chodesh, is considered to be the seed level for the rest of the month.
Aries is a month that allows us to leave behind the personal blockages that prevent us from achieving true freedom in all areas of life. It supports us in infusing the year with the right consciousness in any war zone, whether it is between nations, people, or in the conflict that rages within us on a daily basis – the fight between the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone and the Desire to Share.These lessons presented on the New Moon of Aries help elevate your consciousness and present tools, so you can avoid pitfalls and connect with the positive attributes available this month.