March 4, 2015
Originally recorded:
February 27, 2015
In this lesson, Michael reveals that there are two realms: the realm of Yesh (the known), which is a limited experience of totality of reality, and the realm of the Ayin (unknown), which is holds the ultimate truth and is far more greater than anything we can see in the moment. Therefore, we must always hold the conscious awareness that all we experience is not the totality of the picture. Maintaining our conscious connection to the realm of Ayin is what allows our blessings to be protected and infused to the Light of the Creator.
One of the major spiritual connections kabbalists make on the Sabbath is the reading of a weekly Bible portion. These consciousness lectures present lessons on each week's portion to elevate our consciousness and create awareness of the spiritual energy and gifts that are available through the reading of a Torah Scroll. With greater awareness and an awakened consciousness, we can connect to the Light revealed each week and use it as support in our ongoing spiritual work.